| Dept. of Limnology and Bio-Oceanography, Center of Ecology, University of Vienna Althanstrasse 14 1090 Vienna Austria | T: +43-1-4277 / 76441 E:
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 | Laboratoire LPG-BIAF Bio-Indicateurs Actuels et Fossiles UMR CNRS 6112 Universite d'Angers, Faculte des Sciences 2 Bd Lavoisier, Angers 49045 CEDEX, France | E:
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Skype: riedelbettina www.researchgate.net/profile/Bettina_Riedel2 | |
 | Department of Paleontology, Univ. of Vienna Althanstrasse 14 1090 Vienna Austria | T: +43-1-4277 / 53555 F: +43-1-4277 / 9535 E:
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Marita Blasnig MSc student Katrin Pretterebner MSc student Theodora Pados MSc student Lucie Schiemer PhD student Alexandra Steckbauer MSc student Alexandra Haselmair MSc student | | | |
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 | Dipl-Ing Rudolf Machan (electronics) | Neurobiology & Biology of Cognition Althanstrasse 14 1090 Vienna Austria | E:
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 | Gregor Eder (photography) | Cell Imaging & Ultrastructure Research Althanstrasse 14 1090 Vienna Austria | E:
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W: http://ecology.univie.ac.at/fce-gregoreder/ |
 | Mag Sabine Maringer (chemistry) | Chemical Ecology & Ecosystem Research Althanstrasse 14 1090 Vienna Austria | E:
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W: http://chemsrv0.pph.univie.ac.at/cms/ |
 | Valentin Perlinger (EAGU engineering) | Department of Paleontology Althanstrasse 14 1090 Vienna Austria | E:
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